#AmWriting Blueprint Summer Sprint 2024

Investment: $800 for Blueprint Coaching (normally $1000)

Time Frame: 2-4 weeks

Deadline to claim #AmWriting Discount: September 30, 2024

Welcome #AmWriting Blueprint Sprinters!

Congratulations on completing your Blueprint for a Book!

If you’re seeking professional feedback on your work, you’re in the right place.

I’m Sara Gentry, one of the Author Accelerator certified book coaches who hosted some of the AMA sessions for the #AmWriting Blueprint Sprint. I enjoyed getting to know all of you and answering your questions!

I’m offering a special rate on Blueprint coaching for #AmWriting participants. I work with writers of commercial books in the middle grade, young adult, and adult markets. I am best suited to working in the genres listed below. You can also learn more about my reading preferences on my FAQ page to determine if your book may be a good fit for my coaching services.

Fiction: In the MG and YA markets, I work with writers of all genres. In the adult market, I work with writers of contemporary fiction, women’s fiction, romance/historical romance (sweet or closed door), and historical fiction. (I work with writers of additional genres in my group program, Novel Resolution, but for this Blueprint Sprint, I am focusing on the above genres.) I am not a good fit for books containing explicit sexual content, explicit violence, or excessive profanity.

Memoir: I am very selective in choosing memoir projects. Read the Nonfiction areas of interest listed below to get a better feel for the types of content best suited for my expertise. I am not the best fit for writers whose goal is to capture their life story for their loved ones, even though I believe this to be a noble and worthy endeavor.

Nonfiction: My particular areas of interest include (but may not be limited to): music, the arts, writing and reading, creativity, STEAM for a general audience, family and parenting, self-help, personality, education (all age levels, including homeschooling), communication, sports, cultural or societal history, biographies, and pop culture. I work with select Christian topics. I am not a good fit for books on politics, military history, religions outside Christianity, or technical writing.

Blueprint Coaching Process

Step 1: I’ll provide feedback on your completed Blueprint by way of inline comments and an editorial letter discussing strengths, areas to develop, and next steps.

Step 2: We’ll meet on a 50-minute private video call to discuss the feedback and answer your questions.

Step 3: You’ll revise your Blueprint and write ten sample pages for your book. You’ll submit both for feedback.

Step 4: I’ll provide you with a second round of feedback.

Step 5: We’ll meet on a 50-minute private video call. We’ll also discuss your next step and potential ongoing book coaching options.

Payment schedule: $800 due in full upon enrollment, OR $500 due upfront with a second $300 payment due before the second coaching round

What’s Included

  • Written feedback on your Blueprint and sample pages, including inline comments and editorial letters

  • Suggested next steps, so you know exactly what to work on next

  • Two 50-minute private video calls to discuss the feedback and answer your questions

  • Upon completion, you’ll gain confidence in your book concept and have clear direction for its progress