Achieving Personal Goals as a Homeschooling Mom

Now that we've passed Labor Day, it feels like it's officially fall. I know... technically the first day of fall is in a couple weeks, but since activities swing into full gear after Labor Day, there's more of that fall feeling now. We're ramping up our homeschool after having a few weeks to ease in, and I'm looking forward to it.

The fall season brings with it a feeling of fresh starts and new beginnings. This fall, I am rather excited to embark on a new beginning after achieving a big personal goal. Last week I found out I had successfully completed the book coaching certification program through Author Accelerator. This rigorous program took me over a year to complete, and I felt such a sense of accomplishment when I found out I had passed.

As a homeschooling parent, it can be so easy to put our own ambitions and dreams aside while we are raising our kids. There's nothing wrong with putting a pause on something if it's done with intention. But if you want to press ahead and just haven't quite figured out how to make it happen while homeschooling - well, that's frustrating!

Sometimes our systems need to change. Sometimes our expectations need to change. And sometimes we need encouragement to try something that challenges us. I experienced all of these while working on my certification.

This program was a stretch for me. Though I've always had a deep love for books, my academic background is in math and music, and sometimes I felt like maybe I had no business trying to branch into another field. Even so, I knew I wanted to try. I edited, read a lot, participated in hours upon hours of training, and completed coaching sessions with clients in order to earn my certification. The self-paced program took me longer than it did for some of my peers who didn't have kids at home, and I'll be honest in saying sometimes I was jealous. I had to remember completion time was not a competition and while my steps were slower than others, I reached the same finishing line and my hubby and kids were right there to cheer for me all the way.

One unexpected perk is that my kids got to watch me work hard in order to acquire new skills. They saw that learning is a lifelong pursuit and that it's never to late to dive into a new passion.

So let me offer a challenge to you this week: take the next (or first!) step towards achieving something you've wanted to try. When you do, let me know how it goes for you!

p. s. Now I’m excited to officially open my doors to book coaching clients. I especially enjoy helping moms who are pursuing the dream of writing the novel they always wanted to write. If you’re curious to know more, check out my book coaching page!


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