Busting Homeschooling Myths #6
Myth: I don’t have enough time to homeschool my kids.
Truth: Unlike the other myths, I can’t definitively say this isn’t true for you, because I don’t know how busy you are. However, I’m going to say that you probably do have enough time to homeschool if you have the desire to do it.
First, a homeschooling day is not as long as a traditional school day. Your child will be able to accomplish more in less time because homeschooling removes the unproductive time in a typical school day. No waiting in line, no waiting for others to finish, no waiting for the next activity to begin.
Second, a homeschooling parent does not need to offer hands-on instruction the entire time. In fact, parents should provide their kids with many independent learning opportunities throughout the day. Not only does this teach your kids how to take initiative, but it also helps children learn how to learn, which really should be the ultimate goal in educating young minds.
But what about working parents? With creativity and delegation, working parents can figure out homeschooling solutions that will work for their family. It may require alternative scheduling methods, parents splitting teaching duties, or enlisting outside help, but it can be done. Shameless plug here - I help busy parents find homeschooling solutions that work for them. Contact me for a free consultation call if you would like help or simply want to explore the possibility of homeschooling.
I am not saying that homeschooling is the solution for every family, but if you want to homeschool, don’t let your preconceived notions about school days, work schedules, and time management stop you from exploring your family’s education options. You might be surprised to find flexibility and possibilities that can turn your wish to homeschool into a reality.