Save Me From the Morning Frenzy
Now that we’ve established I’m not a morning person (read my previous post), I’m going to give a standing ovation to all the parents out there who are getting their kids to a traditional school before 9 am five days a week. Seriously. People wonder how I spend so many hours at home managing my work and my kiddos, but that seems like nothing to me in comparison to getting everyone out the door every day.
In the past, we’ve participated in a full-day program that met once a week throughout the school year. Prepping lunch, getting everyone dressed and fed, and then scurrying out the door to make it in time was the most stressful part of our week. At least for me. The energy required made this no-coffee gal wonder if there was some merit to joining the caffeine club after all.
That’s not to say that we don’t have frenetic mornings in our house, because we do, but they don’t feel like we’re running the gauntlet on repeat. With the exception of early appointments for the kids, the kids can sleep as late as their bodies want them to sleep. If we need more time in the morning, we can adjust the rest of our day accordingly without major consequences, which makes this mom happy.
Up next: taking back our evenings.