When to Leave a Homeschooling Group

With the end of the month comes the end of this series on homeschooling groups, but before we move on, I wanted to talk about when you might want to leave a group. The thought of leaving a group may not bring up the most pleasant thoughts, but it's worth talking about. Homeschooling groups can play a significant role in your homeschool, and if they aren't working for your family, then of course you'll want to reassess.

Here are some common reasons for wanting to leave a group:

  • Your family has outgrown the group. Maybe your kids are now older than the group's target age. Maybe you have a bigger family and want to connect with other large families. Maybe the group is intended for newer homeschoolers and you have a several years under your belt so it no longer feels relevant to you. There are a variety of reasons you may feel your family has outgrown the group, but if you sense that your family has moved beyond the group's purpose, it's okay to find a group that better fits your current status.

  • Your family no longer aligns with the group's values. If either a group's values or your family values have shifted so that they no longer align with each other, it's time to leave the group. There's no need to get nasty or cause a ruckus about it, but you can gracefully exit to find a group that is a better match.

  • You don't think the expense is worth it. This reason only pertains to paid groups, but it's important to mention. Just like a gym membership is useless if you don't actually go to the gym, paying for a homeschool group is a waste if you're not going to use the resources and/or receive value from the community. It's also possible that the membership price has increased beyond what you can afford. This situation is particularly difficult if you value your membership. In this case, you may have to determine where you can cut other expenses to cover the cost to keep your membership. Or, maybe you'll realize you don't care as much as you thought you did and it provides you with a good time to exit.

  • You don't like how much control the group has over your homeschool. If you belong to a group that has a big influence on your homeschool, such as a co-op that demands you follow certain curriculum, you will grow resentful if you aren't excited about adhering to their methods.

  • The group takes too much time. We only have so many hours in a day. If you take on too many groups, you may be squishing out time for other things - like free time to pursue individual interests and time to rest. Scheduling freedom is one of the greatest perks in homeschooling, but you can easily overbook. You may want to leave a group that is draining too much of your time.

Leaving groups can feel uncomfortable. Maybe you've developed close relationships and you're sad to leave or you don't want to offend anyone. It's important to remember that just because you choose to leave a group doesn't mean you have to completely sever ties with that group's members. You can choose to stay in touch through email, social media, and occasional meet-ups (if local).

Ideally, it's best if you can leave a group in a positive way. Don't complain and put down the group or its members. Say thank you for the time you've had, and let folks know the group is no longer the best option for your family. You may interact with people in the group at a future time, so don't burn bridges!

While I've focused on when you may want to leave a group, it's also worth mentioning some groups simply dissolve. (This is usually true for small groups.) Maybe group members move away or it no longer is practical for families as the kids grow up. This can be bittersweet. Everyone knows it's time to move on, but you still value you the time you've had. That's life - always changing. After the group has run its natural course, take time to grieve the end of a group that's played a meaningful role in your homeschooling journey. Delight in the memories you made, but remember to stay open to future possible opportunities.

And that's a wrap on homeschooling groups! Did you miss the previous three weeks? You can find them here:

Have a great week!


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