Welcome, KidLit Campers!
We’re going to have a great week. Here’s a quick intro video to what’s in store.
Each morning, you’ll receive the Camp Reveille email with the links to that day’s videos (3-4 per day). Watch the videos at your preferred time!
Each night, we’ll have an optional Around the Campfire chat on Zoom. You’ll receive the link for this in your daily email.
You can learn more about all our guests through the Camp Directory. This directory includes links to their websites, social media, YouTube channels, and podcasts.
Let our featured guests know how much you enjoyed their interviews and how they’ve inspired you. Use #kidlitsummercamp on social media to refer to this event.
We have an online book fair this week, hosted by Swamp Fox Bookstore! Our presenters’ books are organized in lists on the book fair page, but you can also order any book that is available through bookshop.org. You can also delight in knowing 15% of the sales (purchased through the KidLit Summer Camp book fair page) will benefit the Book Industry Charitable Foundation (BINC), a nonprofit organization that supports independent booksellers during times of need.
Grab your KidLit Summer Camp Badge!
Last, but not least, you can find the interviews and more detailed information about our guests and their interviews through our program notes, which are organized by day below.
Day 1: Vivian Kirkfield, Laurie Calkhoven, Christy Yaros
Day 2: Stephanie Dethlefs, Joanna Cooke, Sylvia Liu, Grace K. Shim
Day 3: Sharon Skinner, Erin Radniecki, Anna Rose Johnson, Margaret McNellis