Before you start thinking about next year...
As we reach the end of April, it's common to hear homeschoolers talking about the end of the school year and planning for the next one. I bet you've started to see homeschool curriculum sales pop up in your social media feeds...
Hang on to your horses! It is soooo easy to want the fresh start of a new year that we fail to finish the one that is before us. I know it because I feel it just like you do. Let's not fall into that trap!
If you had planned to end around now, kudos to you! You get to wrap up this year and start thinking about the next.
If you hadn't planned to end the school year around now, you're probably tempted to. And you're daydreaming about all the ways next year will be better. The kids won't argue. You'll finally find that perfect curriculum that will solve all your problems. You'll organize your space and keep it tidy for the whole year. Your homeschool will be Utopia.
This kind of thinking is a distraction and not helpful. You're dreaming of imaginary plans based on unrealistic expectations because you would rather live in this fantasy world than deal with messy reality.
If you want to indulge living in a fantasy world for a few minutes, that's okay - we all want an escape sometimes. But put a limit on it, and then come back to the real world so you can stay the course and finish the year strong.
Sometimes it's easier to charge towards the finish line if you give yourself (and your kids) something to look forward to. Here are a few suggestions:
Take a field trip.
Enjoy the nice weather and do some lessons outside.
Celebrate milestones. (Did you finish the spelling book? Conquer multiplication tables? Master that pesky silent 'e'? Ice cream!)
Let your kids pick an end-of-the-year special activity.
Change things up with a unit study that involves the whole family.
Host a "Share Fair" with fellow homeschoolers in which each child shares something they learned or accomplished this year.
This is mile 22 of the marathon... don't lose heart now - you're almost there!