What has worked well for your homeschool this year?
As we wind down the school year, it's worth taking a few minutes to reflect. During the month of May, I'll be sharing questions you can use as inspiration.
This week, think about what has gone well in your homeschool this year. At this point, don't let your mind wander to things that did not go well. (We'll get there eventually.)
Here are some ideas to get your brain going:
What daily rhythms worked well for our family?
What did [individual child] really enjoy?
What was a surprise success?
What were some memorable moments?
What do we wish we could do again?
Were there any specific studies we especially loved?
Jot down your answers for these questions. Once you're done, ask your child(ren) the same questions. Take notes and compare their answers with yours.
Hang on to your list of everyone's answers - it will give you valuable information when you start planning for next year!