I'm experimenting by letting the kids call the shots

All our local schools were on spring break this week. My plan had been for us to keep doing school since we had no plans to travel. Then I had planned to not do any school the week before Easter, since that's an incredibly busy week for me with my worship director job. But we were kind of dragging Monday morning thanks to the time change, and my kids were feeling pretty bummed that all the other kids got to be on break.

I listened, and at the spur of the moment agreed to embark on an experiment: we could try spring break as well.

I have no idea how this is gonna go. I mean, we’ve enjoyed taking the week off, but it means we'll be doing school during another week that I hadn't originally planned.

Will we do school the week before Easter? Will we add a week on to the end of our year? This last-minute scheduling change could end up being a drag or it may end up being better than what we've done in past years. Time will tell, but no matter how it goes, I will have more information to help me determine what to do next year.

The weather was lovely at the start of the week. We took advantage by spending more time outside, getting and riding new bikes, and grilling our dinner. As the week wraps up, I have no regrets.


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