Why community matters
After our impromptu spring break last week, we are back in the school saddle. And I must admit it's easier to sit down to do school work when it's cold and rainy outside (which it has been this week), so I am glad we took the time off last week when we could enjoy the better outdoor weather.
Unfortunately, I received some sad news later in the week. I found out a friend of mine passed away after losing her battle with cancer. While I knew she had been sick, her health reports had been positive, and it seemed she had licked it. Then all the sudden, her health took a quick turn for the worse and she was gone.
My friend's death hit me a little harder than I would have expected. The death of a friend is a difficult thing, so you're probably wondering why I found my reaction surprising. Let me explain. I had never met this friend in person. She and I belonged to an online writing community where we met together over Zoom. I had known her for over two years, and in that time, we had bonded over the mutual struggles and victories in the writing life.
This got me thinking about the value of online community. I know some consider it to be shallow, but my personal experience says otherwise. I have forged strong friendships with people I've never met in person, and they have made my life better by being in it.
As a homeschooling parent, it can be hard to find community. Doubly so if you're a working parent who can't participate in local co-ops and programs because they conflict with your work schedule. Big online communities are great (I'm a happy member of a few), but on account of their size, they cannot offer the meaningful relationships you can grow in a smaller group.
After thinking about how much I value the small online groups I have been a part of, I want to offer something new: small group homeschool coaching. It provides the double benefit of coaching and community. The plan is to create a cohort for up to eight (yes, JUST eight!) moms to go through the school year together, running from July 2022 through May 2023. The program would include community Zoom calls conducted throughout the year and a private online community component. I am doing my best to keep the pricing affordable.
Full disclosure: I've never tried this before. Honestly, I've never seen a program like this offered anywhere either. Maybe there won't be any interest in this type of program, but in my gut, I know it could be a game changer for so many isolated homeschooling moms who feel like they are floundering on their own.
If you have any questions about the program, please ask them by filling out my contact form and I will be happy to get back to you.