Summer is a great time for YOU to try something new!

I've been thinking a lot about the challenges of trying new things as an adult. It can be difficult to find a beginners' class (because do they REALLY mean beginner, or is it people who have been doing this thing for ten years?). And even if you do find a class, it can be unnerving to go by yourself when you don't know anyone else. And then it can be intimidating when you know you're a beginner, and you are certain everyone else will know waaay more and be waaay better than you are. I have experienced all these things in the last week.

After years of taking by kids to summer tennis classes, I had my first adult tennis class last Wednesday. I've always loved watching tennis, and I've enjoyed playing when given the opportunity (RARELY), but apart from a tennis PE class I took in college, I've not had any formal tennis instruction and haven't played regularly. I'm a generally athletic person, having lettered in three sports in high school, so that helps, but I would still consider myself a tennis newbie.

I was a bit nervous to try something new. What if everyone was so much better than I was? What if I looked like an idiot? It didn't help that on the day of my first lesson, two women about my age were rallying back and forth with smooth, powerful ground strokes. I feared I had made a terrible mistake.

Turns out, the women were just playing each other in a friendly game and not in my class. (I admit I breathed a sigh of relief, even though I know it shouldn't have mattered.) I discovered the rest of my class was also filled with beginners, and some had never picked up a racket before. All brave souls daring to try something new as an adult.

A week later, you know what? I'm have SO MUCH FUN. I enjoy the physical activity in the morning, I finally get to play tennis with other people, and I'm learning a bunch. The instructor helped me with my serve in a big way. (Just like volleyball, so much comes down to the toss!) I'm even starting to think about if I'll be able to take more classes when this session is done.

My kids are cheering me on - their classes run at the same time as mine, and we can give each other a thumbs up when we're picking up balls to put in the cart. I think it's good for them to see me trying something new. I think it's good for me to remember what it's like to learn something new - it's how kids feel all the time because everything IS new.

Now is a great time to try something new because so many city programs offer classes during the summer. What could you try? What have you always wanted to learn? I'd love to hear from you!


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