How Our New Year’s Goals Impact Our Kids

Are you the type of person that makes New Year's resolutions or sets goals for the year ahead? I am. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they don't. Either way, I think they are fun to make. Maybe that's because I like setting goals that are project oriented - they usually have an end date, which I think gives me some freedom to try some fun things instead of worrying about making life altering changes.

Here are 3 of my goals for 2022:

Earlier this week, I was thinking about how these goals might affect my kids, because I'm aware how much kids soak up what's happening around them. Would they be inspired to set their own goals? Would they become resentful that I was spending more time at the piano? Would they cooperate with me on the 22-minute post-lunch break?

In the end, I think my pursuit of these goals will have a positive influence on my kids. Here's what I hope they might learn:

  • The Waldstein Sonata is hard, and I'm having to tackle it in baby steps at a snail's pace. (Truth be told, this piece would have been a stretch for me even 20 years ago when I was spending a lot more time at the piano, so it almost seems comical to me that I have the audacity to try it now.) My kids often hear me playing pieces I've already learned - they don't see me struggle at the piano, so I think it will be good for them to see me work hard towards an end result. I hope they learn that nothing worthwhile is "easy," and persistence pays off.

  • I don't know if my kids will see me read my daily poem, but if they do, I hope they see that even the smallest goals can improve our lives.

  • We've managed to take the 22-minute post-lunch break every day so far, but I was not prepared for the resistance I would get from my youngest. I've been firm though, and I think it is good for everyone in my house to start respecting this boundary that Mom has set for quiet personal time.

How about you? Do you have any goals for 2022 that you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them. You can post them in the comments of my goals post on Instagram (@easierwithacoach) and join the discussion there.


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A change of pace