When it comes to homeschooling, do you dive right in or dip your toes in first?

We started our homeschool again on Thursday last week. That gave us just a couple days to do some school work before the weekend break. Because it wasn't a full week, we also did a lighter load (some of our programs are organized in lesson groups that work better if we start fresh with a new week).

This got me thinking...

Some homeschoolers like to dive right in. They like to hit the books at full speed, using the break as a way to garner excitement for the new thing ahead. Other homeschoolers prefer to gradually enter (or re-enter) their homeschooling days. They like to set small goals that help ease the family back into full school mode.

I'm sure there are plenty of variations in between (no two families are alike), but it's been my experience that families generally fall into one of these camps.

When we first started homeschooling, I was definitely more of a dive-right-in kind of person. The longer we've homeschooled, I find myself gravitating towards the ease-in framework.

To be clear, there is no one right way. As I've said before, any way that works for your family is great! It's only when things aren't working that you may need to re-evaluate and consider a different approach.

So which one are you? Are you hitting studies hard or are you gradually adding in activities as you return from the break? I'd love to know - send me a message through my contact form and let me know your preference!


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