Outside or Not in the Winter?

I was reflecting on the fact that we're three weeks into the new year. By now, things are feeling less "new," and we're hearing a little less about resolutions and setting goals.

Every year, I'm drawn to the 1000 Hours Outside challenge. I like spending time outdoors and I like the idea of making it a bigger priority for my family. But here's the thing. I hate the cold because I am cold all the time. It is difficult for me to spend time outside in the cold - my body tenses, my fingers and toes go numb, and I am miserable. Every winter, I question my life choices, and my husband asks if he should start job hunting in Florida.

Realistically, I know I will not spend a couple hours outside every day in the winter. Yesterday, our high temp was in the single digits (that's just wrong!), and I have no interest in going outside in that kind of weather. We spent time indoors, doing warm things, thank you very much. But... I will say that the idea of the 1000 Hours Outside challenge has at least encouraged me to try spending more time outside this winter. Earlier this week, we had a sunny day with temps in the upper 30s. My kids and I spent a glorious two hours outside sledding (the only thing redeeming about cold weather) and building snowmen.

So we'll see how the year goes. Will we spend time outside every day in the winter? As much as I would love to say yes, I know it's more honest to say no, and that's okay. Kudos to all the families that make it outside every day! I admire you, and maybe even wish I could be like you, but I'm not forcing a goal that would likely cause me frustration.

How about you? Is there a goal, habit, challenge, lifestyle, etc. that you've admired, but chosen not to do because you knew it wasn't a good fit for you? I'd love to hear about it if you want to reply. You can use my contact form to tell me your thoughts.

Have a great weekend!


Let’s talk about homeschooling groups…


When it comes to homeschooling, do you dive right in or dip your toes in first?